Personal coaching


- Personal coaching
- Training and consulting in leadership skills
- Training and consulting in personal development interviews
Self-management and development


- Stress management
- Retreats or reward courses for good employees
- Time management
- Discovering one's potential and inner strength
- Training in communicating skills
Development of a team
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Baltic Corporate Training OÜ
  Personal coaching

Personal coaching

Personal coaching means extensive long-term consulting of top leadership, executives and specialists. Personal coaching is helpful for:

  • supporting the development of young leaders, more effective settling in the team and forming of cooperation in a new team;
  • making major changes in the company or organisation more effectively;
  • giving new energy and encouraging the inner motivation of our clients in the companyÂ’´s important period of development;

Personal coaching may cover leaderÂ’s personality, managing others and subjects concerning developing a work team. Minimal period of coaching is six months. The goals, duration and number of sessions of a specific personal coaching are agreed upon in cooperation with the client being sensitive to their needs.

At the meetings between the client and the consultant the development goals will be set. In the meantime their fulfilment is being monitored; the client is supported in taking concrete steps toward development. As a result of personal coaching the goals set proceeding from the needs of the leader and the company will be reached.

In the process of personal coaching various consulting methods will be employed; among others, the so-called "work shadow method" where significant information concerning the clientÂ’s needs and possible directions of development is being gathered.  
Training and consulting in leadership skills
The goal of leadership training or consulting will be set in cooperation with the client; specific areas of development of leaders will be determined. Some of the possible subjects of leadership training are:                                  

  1. determining the role and role limits of the leader
  2. discovering development tasks for the leader
  3. development of leadership skills, incl. delegating tasks and responsibility, developing and supervising others, giving feedback, preventing and solving conflicts in a team, motivating people

In the process participants are trained in necessary leadership skills to succeed in difficult situations. As a result of the course leaders will gain confidence and skills to employ various leadership techniques to make fuller use of their employeesÂ’ potential, and to better motivate and influence people.

Training and consulting in personal development interviews

Proceeding from clientÂ’s needs we are able and willing to help the company to create a system of development interviews, including skills of conducting development interviews for leaders. A course in personal development interviews covers, among many, the following subjects:                                     

  1. launching a system of personal development interviews in the company; its presuppositions and possible significant difficulties in the process
  2. goals and possibilities of personal development interviews
  3. process of personal development interviews based on the needs of the company, launching and building up a system, creating supplementary resources
  4. skills necessary for conducting a personal development interview and their training                                   

General information

Cost of a training day for leadership is 25,000 EEK (VAT not included). Recommended size of a group is up to twelve people.